Congo gorilla permits
Public Means : You can choose to travel by public transport to cut on your costs as well as getting to know how the locals in the destination relate with the is obviously much cheaper to travel by public means though it may have associated challenges that come along you may have a few stop overs and not specifically at the places you want .so opting for this kind of transport may not be able to earn you the tourist experience that you will really want while on your journey. The challenges that may come along maybe overcome by the fact that you are adventurous and want to experience how certain travel modes feel like .Publically you can travel with any of the buses that can get you to the destination in question there are various coaches that travel from district to district among which you will find the Gaaga bus, this takes Ugandan routes like Arua ,Bujumbura, Koboko, Nebbi ,Paida, Jaguar executive coaches, these have different time frames that they take off and they take routes like Kampala to Kigali, Kampala to Bujumbura, then Kampala via kisoro to Goma.uganda post bus this take s routes like Kampala-soroti,Kampala-gulu,Kampala-kabale,Kampala-hoima,Kampala-fortportal these travel
from Monday to Sunday with an exception of Sunday. All these coaches have offices and websites so in case of interest to travel with any of the above visit the websites for more information or reach and bookings. The use of public ,means will surely require you to know a little of the local language or know how to communicate with the locals since you will need to find your destination because the buses have specific parking areas and don’t reach the national parks just in case you want to engage in the activities in the national park.. You can also travel by air to the destination in case there are lined flights for those particular des
tinations. Ensure to take precaution of your property while using the public means since a lot of locals are from lots of different areas of the country so loss of property at any point maybe so very possible.There are also motor cycle known as Boda- Bodas that you could jump on in case you are time bad or you are on a city tour you could use the cycle since it cuts the traffic on the road in the city and can get you places in a short period of time.